Thank you City of Roseville

So it's another hot sweltering summer day, I'm a little low on cash and my son is looking for something fun to do. Thank you City of Roseville for providing some free good old fashioned fun. The water is recycled and there is a clear sign stating to not drink the water. There is also a caveat for those who have recently suffered from diarrhea to STAY AWAY. The water smelled of freshly infused chlorine which made me feel somewhat better in case there was someone there battling the runs. At any rate, the $4.5 million dollars was pretty well spent. I like the idea of revitalizing Downtown Roseville and creating a sustainable, walking urban development. With the prices of gas rising I can't afford to drive to Downtown Sacramento for pleasure. I'd rather do things local. My next hope is that Roseville increases bus intervals. Right now they only run once an hour and there is no service on Sunday. Wait... whaaat? Yeah.That's not going to work. So how do people with no vehicles get around? Do they have to leave 3 hours early just to insure they catch the right bus? I hope they fix this issue soon.
