Red Pills and Pink Rabbits

The League of Highly Intelligent Non Diploma'ed Intuitive Truth Seekers or the Secret Society of Paranormal Paladins decoding limos while eating pizza in Texas:

Red Pills and Pink Rabbits

In the silence do you hear the booming presence of those near
Pay attention
Pay the toll
who's the mole
Revisit the house that speaks
and the daughter that never sleeps
Shape shifters decode
While eating pizza pie a la mode
Whispers throughout the commode
Who told?
Strawberry Fields Forever
You think NSA is a problem? Their in your head, Maaaaan.
DEW thought you knew.
Shots fired. I aint no liar.
I easily retreat as you sneak down the street
Blue birds lie while black birds fly
Witnessing events long foretold
I bemuse to use the various hues as clues
Fuck You!
And then I evolved and partially solved the paradoxical dilemma which has haunted me for so long
And I could identify with a vibration
a tear's lamentation
a heart's palpitation
a lover's false adaptation
Things became clear to me within the negative space
Fresher Escher MC
You began to flee and is it you?
Is it me? Did it become we?
You're a counterfeit juggernaut, I'm a royal astronaut.
Coming up empty like a Federal raid
You may have taught me how the game was made
But I'm gonna show you how it's played.
