Mid October Ramblings

So I'm trying to eat healthier. I picked up this bag of chips which are non GMO, vegan, and organic, kosher, gluten free, yada yada, yada.

So, I believe in the concept. I'm really trying to financially support companies who's belief system align with mine. Long story short, I couldn't believe how awful these chips taste. I'm not sure if it was the flavor I chose, or perhaps my body is so used to unhealthy food that it rejects the introduction of healthy items but imagine the taste of wet socks and musty roller rink odor wrapped in a stale chip. It was pretty bad. 

This was a pretty exciting week for me. A lot of mental ups and downs. My daughter got her first job. I'm excited about the responsibility it will teach her. She's already been such an amazing daughter. I know this next step toward young womanhood will do her so well. She opened up her first bank account to set up her direct deposit. She had so many questions. I had forgotten how new these things must be to a teenager. I'm so happy for her.

My son started preschool. He looked so handsome on his first day. 
I was worried how he would take being away from family for the first time. But he acclimated well and was so ready to be a "big boy". Both my kids took major leaps this week and my heart swells with joy at how easy it is for them to adjust to change. (if only it were that easy for me.)

Quick Story:

I ran into a woman and we were talking about how she is looking for a place to stay in Roseville. She said she decided to leave the Antelope area because she felt uncomfortable being a minority in her own neighborhood (she is Caucasian). I thought that was an odd statement and I tried to hide the "WTF" look off of my face. Then she proceeds to add a caveat "I'm sorry... but" ( NOTE: anytime you add an "I'm sorry but..." to any statement YOU ARE NOT SORRY.) then she turns around to see who is around her (I'm assuming to be sure she was shielded by white people) and says ..."if people are cooking in their garages I don't want to be around that. That is just weird." 

So I'm guessing, she's referring to some Indian neighbors of hers. The only reason why I think this is because there is a lovely Sikh family that live around the corner from me. They happen to cook in their garage. Maybe she's referring to another culture. Who knows, but more importantly who cares? What does it matter to her where people cook in their own house? People usually barbeque in their backyards but I've seen some rebel front yard grillers. Should they too be shunned and ostracized  for not adhering to social standards? 

Racist people are so weird. They will pick apart anything to find something to HATE. 

On a scale of 1-10, I'd say I'm feeling about a 7. Still dealing with some issues, still faking it on the outside like everything is hunky dory. I must be doing alright. (*pats self on back*) 

I hope you all have a great week. :)
